So we have looked at how rushing is always a bad idea in recruitment, and how cashflow can stifle a recruitment drive.

Here is the biggest success killer. You have had no recruitment / HR and / or management training.

It isn’t surprising, and you are far from alone if this applies to you.

Some people who run their own business may have had some management training. Many won’t have. And the vast majority will never have had any recruitment process or HR training. Part of the reason for that is there IS no recruitment training – there are a few interview training courses, but of course that is only ONE of the 5 steps of a recruitment process.

In a small company the managers won’t have had that training themselves and therefore can’t pass it


In a bigger company, often there is a HR department, and therefore there is seen to be no need to train managers in these skills. Big mistake.

Very few people running their own business or running departments for someone else, have the skills needed to avoid the pitfalls of the minefield that is recruitment.

Given one or all of the 3 big reasons most recruitment processes don’t work, it is hardly surprising that so many people get recruitment so wrong.

Don’t worry though; there are things you can do to minimise your risk.

Drop me an email and I will send you a link to The Top 10 Mistakes Other Hiring Managers Make and How to Avoid Them.

PS. I said earlier that there is no recruitment process training. Well that WAS true – but not any more. Because of this debilitating gap in the market – I developed the D.R.I.V.E. recruit and grow workshop. Click here to watch a short video from David Walton, Employment Partner at Gorvins, on his take on the value of the D.R.I.V.E. workshop.